Saturday, January 22, 2011

"When you die, Mr. Bennett, which may in fact be very soon..."

So lately I've noticed a lot of people doing the "30 Day Challenge" on Facebook, and I thought to myself, 'that looks like fun!' But, instead of doing it on fb, I decided to do a blog version of it. For 30 days. Woot woot, this is exciting!
Anyways, starting January 22, 2010 for the 30 Day challenge, here goes:
Day 1- A picture of yourself with 15 facts.
1. People who don't know me, think I'm quiet. People who know me, wish I was.
2. I watch way too many movies.
3. I talk in movie quotes.
4. I am moving to Hawaii.
5. I am known for my lack of grace in my family.
6. I love eating out.
7. I've bitten my nails ever since I can remember.
8. I wish I had never given up dancing.
9. I love fattening foods, and hardly ever work out.
10. I keep waiting for a rich great aunt to send me her life's savings.
11. Work has seriously messed up my sleeping schedule.
12. I take vitamins to make my hair grow, but once it gets to a certain point, I stupidly chop it.
13. I love shoes and XXL hoodies.
14. I love the sun.
15. I set wwaayy too many goals for myself.
There you go! One day down, 29 to go!!!"


  1. I think you should start dancing again. Serious. I was thinking about it earlier today before I even read this post "I think Kelsie should dance. I think she would love it." Take a couple of classes for fun or something! PS do you ever read my comments?

  2. Yes I read them! Taking classes isn't the same though! I wish I knew someone in drill so I could at least watch!
