Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It cost a fortune to fly that in from Norwegia.

This post is dedicated to my bestie Oliver! (by some she is known as Stacy)
She completely made my day yesterday, by saying she liked my blog, so this is for her!

What an awesome girl, she totally saved me senior year. We had a blast in Parkinson's class with Ali, with Al our special Pal, our awesome adventures in Hawaii, and making our music videos. She has the prettiest green eyes, with eyelashes that are 5 times longer than my pathetic short ones (no joke!)
Oliver was such a good sport when we put a hole in her brand-new muffler driving like maniacs in the canyons, and trespassing (sshhh don't tell).

Oliver was there when I completely biffed it boogey boarding at Hukilau, and like a true bestie, asked how I was in the same breath she burst out laughing. We graduated and almost died together (more than once, but one time in particular) which I will save for another blog.

Personally, Oliver, I'm glad you didn't stay in Wyoming. You couldn't stay away for long :)
Oliver + Fabio + Lisa = BFL (Besties for Life)

ps. still booing snow and coldness

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