Monday, January 24, 2011

"Cat's dead."

30 Day Challenge, Day 3: Picture of the cast of your favorite show.
Bingo! A very very easy challenge indeed! Yes, I am one of the Grey's anatomy junkies who is not only addicted to all the drama but also all the interesting medical cases they have. I am making my way from season 1 onward, and am currently on season 3, (hence the dated picture). My favorite character would have to be either George or Izzy. Least favorite? Definately Alex.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

"P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney"

30 Day Challenge, day #2: A picture of you with the person you have been close with for the longest.
Soooo....can't really remember who I was official "friends" with first. I do however remember meeting Shalese (right) in the line for the drinking fountain in what, the second grade? I also remember playing barbies with Jamie (middle) on the bus to and from school. So take your pick. Both were around the same time and we still remain besties to this day! Lovers you both girlies!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

"When you die, Mr. Bennett, which may in fact be very soon..."

So lately I've noticed a lot of people doing the "30 Day Challenge" on Facebook, and I thought to myself, 'that looks like fun!' But, instead of doing it on fb, I decided to do a blog version of it. For 30 days. Woot woot, this is exciting!
Anyways, starting January 22, 2010 for the 30 Day challenge, here goes:
Day 1- A picture of yourself with 15 facts.
1. People who don't know me, think I'm quiet. People who know me, wish I was.
2. I watch way too many movies.
3. I talk in movie quotes.
4. I am moving to Hawaii.
5. I am known for my lack of grace in my family.
6. I love eating out.
7. I've bitten my nails ever since I can remember.
8. I wish I had never given up dancing.
9. I love fattening foods, and hardly ever work out.
10. I keep waiting for a rich great aunt to send me her life's savings.
11. Work has seriously messed up my sleeping schedule.
12. I take vitamins to make my hair grow, but once it gets to a certain point, I stupidly chop it.
13. I love shoes and XXL hoodies.
14. I love the sun.
15. I set wwaayy too many goals for myself.
There you go! One day down, 29 to go!!!"

Saturday, January 8, 2011

"Hi Mr. Wong. It's me, Lucy Kelson....yes it's for one."

I just wanted to put this little tidbit in while I'm wide awake and thinking about it? How come life never turns out how you plan it? You think you have it down and have it all figured out and then something falls through and your left scrambling, trying to pick all the pieces back up. Boo growing up.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

"A figurative urn of ridicule."

Ah yes, the clean slate of a new year, so refreshing! The perfect time for new years resolutions!
1. No matter my busy schedule this coming year, I promise to never bail on friends or family. Done and done.
2. Be open to new things. No more stuck in a rut Kelsie. But there has to be limits to this resolution. For example, I'm ordering something new everytime I go to a restaurant but I'm not signing up for sky diving.
3. I'm attending EVERY class and lab this year, unless serious illness prohibits it. Easy peasy right?!
4. Having a better attitude about work. Ever since I decided my path lead towards pharmacy instead of nursing, work has been especially hard to go to. It has become "just a job" (like sunshine) instead of "furthering my chance of nursing". Anyways, this last year at the hospital will be awesome.
5. Hello Jillian Michaels, goodbye chub!
6. I'm going to save money like crazy!
7. I'm expanding my horizons nutritionally. No more Ramen a few times a day, I will make myself put in some effort. I do have some other specialties, such as grilled cheese, tacos and french toast.
8. Road trip! On this I will visit James+Spencer in Cedar, Shally+Oliver in Provo, Andrea in Salt Lake, and maybe possibly MLM in New mexico!
9. I'm going to be myself and not worry what other people think. Time to break out the awesome dance moves!
10. World peace.
There are some awesome things that are going to happen in 2011!
-Matthew coming home!
-Becca coming home
-Taylor Swift concert with Kar-lay
-Mona moving in with me
-Kar-lay moving out with us in the fall
Again, happy new year!